Enjoy Our Sport

Shoot With Us

Please check out our calendar of events, range rules and types of shooting we offer at Bowral Pistol Club.
Bowral Pistol Club Standard Matches

Calendar of Events for 2023

Please note the Calendar of Events page is currently being updated and may not fully reflect full details at this time (08/05/2023)

Check the Notice Board for any updates or important notifications on planned event rescheduling.
All calendar shoots & events have priority over other shooting activities & events!


First Sunday of Each Month

  • Single Action (Range 1)
  • ISSF (Ranges 3 & 4)
  • Service Matches (Range 2)
  • Air Pistol (Range 7)
  • Wild Bunch 1911 (On Saturday prior to Single Action on Range 1)

Hank Dykstra 0418 248 693 (Single Action / Wild Bunch)

Peter Harris 0438 851 009 (ISSF)
Tom Mazar 0418 455 185 (Service Match)

Second Sunday of Each Month

    • Metallic Silhouette (Range 2)
    • ISSF (Ranges 3 & 4)
    • IPSC (Ranges 6)
    • Air Pistol (Range 7)

    Garry White  0415 654 463 (IPSC)

    Peter Haris   0438 851 009 (ISSF)
  • Kathy Tobler 0412 447 056 (Metallic Silhouette)

Third Sunday of Each Month

  • ISSF (Range 3 & 4)
  • Air Pistol (Range 7)

Peter Harris 0438 851 009 (ISSF)

Tom Mazar 0418 455 185 (Service Match)

Fourth Sunday of Each Month

  • General Practice
  • ISSF (Range 3 & 4)
  • Air Pistol (Range 7)
Peter Harris   0438 851 009

Every Wednesday

  • ISSF (Range 3 & 4)

Allen Reed 0428 400 757


SSAA Events

Cowboy Lever Action Silhouette Rifle 
True Grit 240 Cowboy 
SSAA At Bowral Pistol Club

SSAA Southern Highlands Branch 2024 Program 

Bowral Pistol Club would like all shooters from the SSAA to have in introduction prior to shooting, to make them aware of our range & safety rules.
Introductions should happen on the days of the shoot and also practice days.

January 2024

13th      CLAS Smallbore / Pistol Cartridge
27th      No Shoot


March 2024

9th        CLAS Smallbore / Pistol Cartridge
10th      AGM – Mittagong RSL 11am & Collectors Meeting (TBC)
23rd       No Shoot


February 2024

10th               CLAS Smallbore / Pistol Cartridge / Working Bee
24th-25th      CLAS True Grit


April 2024

13th            CLAS Smallbore / Pistol Cartridge
27th            Practice


May 2024

11th        CLAS Smallbore / Pistol Cartridge


June 2024

8th         No Shoot (ACT Snowball)
22nd     Practice Day / Working Bee


July 2024

13th             CLAS Smallbore / Pistol Cartridge / Working Bee
27th-28th  Highlands Regional 2-Day Shoot


August 2024

10th         CLAS Smallbore / Pistol Cartridge
24th         RMS Rimfire / Practice Day


September 2024

14th     CLAS Smallbore / Pistol Cartridge
28th    Practice Day


November 2024

9th       CLAS Smallbore / Pistol Cartridge
23rd     Practice Day


October 2024

12th        CLAS Smallbore / Pistol Cartridge
26th       RMS Rimfire / Collectors Meeting


December 2024

14th      CLAS Smallbore / Christmas Party                                                            28th      Practice

Common Sense Is Given

Range Rules

Read The Signage

All shooting at Bowral Pistol Club ranges is to be shot in accord with the specific range rules and club by-laws prominently displayed at each range.

Safety Is Paramount

It is the responsibility of each shooter to be conversant with the rules and ensure that all shooting is carried out in a safe and enjoyable way.


In the case of a clash of range use, national and state titles take precedence over club shoots and scheduled matches take precedence over unscheduled matches. In addition, range schedule has priority, this can be seen on display at the range.

What's Available At Bowral Pistol Club

Different Styles Of Shooting We Offer

As our range approval is rated at NATO pistol, shooters can not exceed a muzzle velocity of 1500 ft/sec. We can use on our range up to 12mm/45 calibre.



In all ISSF target pistol shooting events, competitors aim at a 10 ring target in the standing position, using only one hand to fire the pistol.

ISSF target pistol shooting events include 10m Air Pistol, 50m Pistol, 25m Pistol, Rapid Fire Stage, 25m Rapid Fire Pistol, 25m Centre Fire Pistol and 25m Standard Pistol.

ISSF Matches are shot every Wednesday from 10am and every Sunday from 10am.


Service Pistol Match

The main Service Pistol Match shot at Belanglo is the 25m Service Match. Pistols used for the Match are short barrelled centrfire revolvers, typically .38 or 357M calibre.

The Match requires shooters to fire a sequence of shots in various positions (lying, sitting, kneeling and standing) at different ranges (from 8 to 25m), shooting against the clock.

Service Pistol Matches are shot on the 1st Sundays of each month. Contact Tom Mazar on 0418 455 185.


Single Action

Single Action Shooting requires shooters to use the guns of the Old West - single action Colt Style Revolvers, Lever Action Rifles and Shotguns. Shooters are expected to dress in the style of the Old West and to take on shooting names reminiscent of the period.

Matches are scored on speed and accuracy. Shooting at steel plates, typically some 10 - 20 m away, the shooter is required to use each of their four guns as fast as possible, in prescribed sequence, with severe penalties for misses.

Single Action shooting takes place on the 1st Sunday of each month. Contact Hank Dykstra on 0418 248 693.


Metallic Silhouette

Metallic Silhouette is a series of matches which involves shooting metal cutouts of chickens, pigs, turkeys and rams cut to various scales and set at varying distances from the competitor, depending on the specific match.

All the matches at Bowral Pistol Club are 40 shot matches. The matches can be shot from the standing, prone or creedmore positions.

Metallic Silhouette shooting takes place on the 2nd Sunday of each month. 



In IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation) a variety of target types are used (paper, steel, stationary and moving, scoring targets and penalty targets). There is no set way these targets are arranged or how many targets are used in a match.

The competition organiser creates a number of 'stages' to create a shooting challenge that competitors have to solve as accurately and as quickly as possible.

IPSC shooting every Sunday, match starts at 10am, Contact Garry White on 0416 421 044 or Ed Schulz on 0418 246 458


Rifle Shooting

As the name suggests we are primarily a pistol club, but we are approved by the NSW Firearms Registry for rifle shooting but restricted to a velocity of only 1500ft Lead Pistol Cartage per second and must show proof of membership of APA.

Lever action rifles are an integral part of the Single Action shooting sport where they are used in conjunction with single action pistols and shotguns 

For more information about this discipline, please contact the Club on info@bowralpistolclub.net