Major Shoot Closures

As we have some upcoming major competition shoots there will be some range closures for these events. SSAA 2 Day shoot 22nd – 23rd July  Range 1-2 closed for competition  Range 3-4-5-6 open for use  IPSC shoot 29th – 30th July  All Ranges closed for...

Permits to Acquire (PTA) Goes Online

PTA’s (Permit to Acquire a Firearm) have now gone online and are available to be issued digitally to people with a Gun Safe Account. Online PTA’s will speed up the process for licenced firearms holders and provide greater security, as those sent...

Safe Storage & Permits to Acquire

Please see below the updated information from NSW APA Individuals Purchasing a Handgun and Safe Storage If it is your first time purchasing a handgun, after installing safe storage, in strict accordance with the information on the Firearms Registry (FAR) website,...