Please see below the updated information from NSW APA
Individuals Purchasing a Handgun and Safe Storage
If it is your first time purchasing a handgun, after installing safe storage, in strict accordance with the information on the Firearms Registry (FAR) website, ( then select Safe Storage|Firearms Level 1 and Level 2), you must contact your local Licensing Police and arrange a Safe Inspection.
After the inspection passes the minimum specification requirements, you will be given an Event Number. Keep this in a safe place, as this needs to be included on the Permit to Acquire (PTA) Form.
Firearms Registry will do a search on the Event Number to check it’s validity. The Club Secretary is not responsible if the number provided by the individual is not correct.
If the firearm being purchased is not your first handgun, and your safe storage situation has not changed at all, you may submit your new PTA with your previous Safe Storge Inspection Event Number.
If your safe storage facility has not changed at all but you cannot find your previous Event Number, call FAR on 1300 362 562, and you should be able to be provided with your previous Event Number.
If your safe storage situation has changed, you must contact your local Licensing Police and arrange an inspection for your new safe storage facility, and for this, you will be given a new Event Number, which is required for any new PTA applications.